Celebrating Seve: A New Brand Identity
As part of preserving and amplifying this legacy, the Seve Ballesteros Foundation reached out to Ronnestam Creative Studio and entrusted our creative director, Johan Ronnestam, with the assignment to develop a new brand strategy and visual identity that embodies the spirit and artistry of Seve. This project required a deep understanding of Seve's impact on golf and his unique approach to the game, ensuring that the new brand would resonate with both longtime fans and new audiences.
The SEVE brand tells the story of Seve, dedicated to celebrating the legacy of the world's most creative, exciting, and unique player that the world of golf has ever seen. This game, once described by Seve himself as 'a great and very strange game', was mastered by Seve, an artisan of golf, who did things with his hands and a club that no other player has dared to do before or since. Seve played the game with his own mind and is forever loved for it.
A brand identity
worthy of a legend.

The journey began with meetings in Pedreña, the birthplace of one of the world's most legendary golfers. I spent considerable time there, working closely with Javier, Carmen, and Miguel to ensure we developed a brand and tone that truly reflected the essence of Seve Ballesteros and earned the family's trust. The result is a new brand platform that encapsulates Seve Ballesteros' values with precision. We also modernized the SEVE Ballesteros Foundation brand, ensuring it honors his legacy in a contemporary and meaningful way.
It started in Pedreña

A timeless visual identity
A visual identity that
stands the test of time.